A New Strategy for 2024

With dental decay at an all-time high, it’s time to start cracking down on the problem. The amount of sugar that we are consuming. How well we are taking care of our oral health on a daily basis. These are all things that first require people to be educated.

Independent, non-profit organisation – the Oral Health Foundation – have kick-started a new initiative, ‘Better oral health for all. This initiative aims to improve general awareness of good oral hygiene practices. It will also provide political activism to influence government policies.

It comes at a time when roughly half of British adults are suffering from tooth decay, and one in four children are starting school with similar these issues (OHF). In fact, it is the most chronic disease in the world. With it affecting so many adults and children, steps must be made to improve awareness around the dangers of dental decay – as it can be life-threatening.

The Oral Health Foundations has worked for over 50 years to make massive changed to the health standards that we currently have. But they aren’t done yet. It is shown in the figures that more improvements still need to be made in order to make and cultivate a healthier future for everyone.

The ‘Better oral health for all’ strategy aims to have accomplished changes by 2024. This includes setting up places for people to find complimentary support and advice on dental health, developing a range of educational materials for various types of audiences, and influencing policies that will lead to a healthier future for everyone.

Without the help and support of others, the Oral Health Foundations couldn’t have impacted society as it has done for 50 or more years. To support the ‘Better oral health for all’ initiative, you can donate, fundraise, or even sponsor the organisation. Show your support and share their positive messages to help raise awareness.

Download their full strategy brochure here.

Unsure about your dental health? Call your nearest Synergy Dental Clinic and we’ll be happy to help.