Cosmetic Case Study: Composite and More!

11 - Cosmetic Case Study Composite and More

The beauty of cosmetic dentistry is that there are so many options to choose from to improve even the most minor imperfections. The tiniest chips or slightest stains covering your teeth can be worked out with ease, and with the sheer variety of treatment options on offer, it’s likely a dentist can find the perfect treatments for you.

Case Study: New Teeth with Full-Arch Implants

13 - Case Study New Teeth with Full-Arch Implants

We can lose our teeth for various reasons from gum disease, tooth decay, oral trauma, and more. Once we lose our adult teeth, we don’t get them back, and prosthetics to replace them can be quite expensive. We want everyone to look after their teeth while they have them, but unfortunate circumstances sometimes leave us with no other options.

COVID-19 Update in Dentistry

14 - COVID-19 Update in Dentistry

Dental practices across England are to reopen for their patients today. While guidance regarding social distancing should still be met, many practices have been in preparation for over a week trying to set up by Monday 8th. As such, we’ve been incredibly busy sourcing and outsourcing a sustainable amount of PPE.