Category to get your teeth into

The Dentist Of The Year Award aims to honour the dentist or orthodontist -whether from the NHS or pri­vate sector- who always goes the extra mile for patients.

Last year, the award was run by Dr Zuber Bagasi, of Synergy Dental, Blackpool, for the second year running.

He was nominated by sev­eral patients for being “kind, caring and approachable.” He was also described as “professional, polite and always taking time to put patients at ease.”

He had also headed a team of dentists on a char­ity climb to Ben Nevis, which raised £3,000 for charity Bridge2Aid providing den­tal treatment for people in Tanzania.

The previous year, he received more than 106 nominations from grateful patients. As he was presented with his trophy, Dr Bagasi said he was really pleased to receive the award for the second year.

He said: “I could not have won this on my own and could not do what I do alone. I have a wonderful team and this award is for the whole team.”